Tagged: 100 days of dissertation
You all may remember my posts from last year on the topic “Diss-cembering” – a word play on “Dissertation” and “December” (How to Diss-cember and Diss-cembering to the End). In December 2019 I finished...
I recently tracked my work and ouput using a few challenges such as #100DaysofDH and #100DaysofDissertation. Now I wanted to share some of my experiences. This is, like so often, a reflection that got...
So, I did it. I finished my challenge of 100 days of dissertation on Friday. I wrote about the idea for this challenge here in this post. You can see all my steps on...
Can you believe it? We are celebrating out 1st anniversary! We are not that sure when we made out first online apperance, because our blog here, our Twitter account and our Instagram account show...
Today I want to talk about motivation and the last long days of corrections, revisions and re-writing of your thesis or dissertation. When I first stumbled on the #100daysofdissertationchallenge on Instagram, I thought about...