Category: Work-Life Balance
Work-Life-Balance has been a big topic over the last years yet we fear it has already become a meaningless buzzword. So many in Academia struggle to jump off the busy bandwagon but can’t shake the myth that they are just “innate workaholics”. We’re texploring alternatives here.
Time-blocking part III – how to get into a new system Time-blocking is still one of the leading productivity hashtags out there – vlogs, blogs, books, coaches – everyone talks about time-blocking, amongst all...
Brace yourselves, I have something revolutionary to say. You work the best when well-rested. When you’re well-rested, you’re not constantly running on a low battery and about to crash; you have enough energy to...
Even though I didn’t love the newest book, Slow Productivity, it did have a few valuable takeaways that got somewhat lost in my book review. What’s more, there really are a good number of...
I was disappointed by Cal Newport’s latest book Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment without Burnout (2024). In this blog post, I will share my takeaways from this book, why I was disappointed...
Today, I want to give a brief reivew of Cal Newport, A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload (Penguin 2021, see also the author’s website). The summary situates the...
You might have heard about time blocking (or time chunking) by now. If not, this is the short Wikipedia definition of it: Timeblocking or time blocking (also known as time chunking) is a productivity...
So, I did it. I was away. I was out. I packed my stuff and took a plane to Mexico and stayed there for 22 days. Not just like that, it was actually a...
Happy New Year, everyone! Wherever you are, I hope you came good into this 2023. May it be a healthy, successful and marvellous year for all of you! So… a new beginning. Well, that’s...
I’m currently travelling for a teaching gig and just had this epiphany (which ultimately was a long time in the making, I guess). The PhD phase is the most un-zen thing you will ever...
In a post last year about Post PhD Submission Fatigue I promised to follow up and then I never did. Post Phd Submission fatigue got me 😀 So now, you’ll get both an update...
Our posts on “wisdom from bouldering” have turned into quite a series. I’m surprised myself each time that bouldering has something more to teach me about life. But I guess you’ll always take away...
Normally, I would start with wishing you a healthy, successful and overall adventurous new year, but we have reached February already, so… I hope your first weeks in 2022 have been good and you...
Today’s post is on how to not go crazy in crazy times. Don’t be afraid. It’s not a rant full of negativity. It’s not about quarantine or lockdown or vaccination or any of those...
This is the second part of our “why you didn’t hear from us much this past summer” series and you’ve got a lot to catch up! I have been quite busy this summer too....
As some of you might know, I submitted my PhD thesis a while ago. I knew about the supposed post-(PhD)-partum depression from stories, of course. I wasn’t sure how it was going to play...