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Summer’s gone, Epigrammetry moves on!

Be safe in the face of the pandemic – put yourselves first now, not your work!

Okay, guys,

I hope this post finds you all in good health and at least with some positivity.
We won’t let that virus control us, but we have to deal with it, so take care, wear a mask, wash your hands, do everything for a healthy immune system, and be on your guard!

That means, make extra time for self-care and checking in with your feelings, doing some yoga or light stretching, making sure you exercise at least a little bit and eat well. Maybe take your supplements too. Now is a time where you should focus on your own health more than on your work!


What we have been up to

We had a good summer break, there is still a lot happening – I am sometimes under the impression that we are not meant for a calm life in relax mode. 😉

There are a lot of new posts waiting for you – Sarah has spent quite a while in Mainz now, Astrid is still flipping between her new job at Bamberg and Graz, with teaching obligations in both those places. There are a lot of things that we tried and experienced over the summer – one of them was our summer break with a reduced posting schedule, i.e. posting only two times a month. And due to the ongoing vibes and adventures in our lifes, we decided to keep this status quo.

Sarah is busy working on her PhD thesis to complete a first draft with all her material and research, while on the fellowship at Mainz. Astrid is organizing her courses in Graz and Bamberg, finishing articles, and finally planning the last big exam for her doctorate (called “viva” in many places, called Rigorosum or Defensio in Graz). Oh, and of course, studying and preparing for it it.  And yes, all those things we do will find their way into our posts on here, one day or another, so stay tuned…


Plans for further blogging: Travel hacks instead of actual travel etc.

Many of the things we have been promising for a long time, such as diving in the name of underwater archaeology and other more adventureous approaches to our beloved archaeology (as well as travel), have been on hold this year due to Corona. We are sorry about that but we also can’t help it and I’m assuming you’re experiencing the same, thus will understand. We have, however, planned and prepared a travel hacks series for our “Academic Jetset” category – to keep you entertained en lieu of actual conference travel. We thought that since we have been doing this for a while now, we might have come up with some tricks that new PhD might not yet know and thus would be happy to learn them. So we’re looking forward to that.


Updated posting schedule: Epigrammetry will continue to post only every second week until further notice

In the meantime, the situation all around Covid-19 and travelling between Austria and Germany takes its toll (on both of us because we both work (mostly) in Germany now but also both still have our homes in Graz); we are in this together and we decided that we won’t rush things. So, you will hear from us two times a month only instead of weekly like in our initial posting schedule. But, as a joker, we’ll already start next week! 🙂

Again, please, stay safe, breathe and relax. Thank you for staying with us and reading us during this hard time and we hope, you will continue to do that. <3

All the best, dear fighters of academia, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.



OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Astrid Schmölzer (October 18, 2020). Summer’s gone, Epigrammetry moves on! Epigrammetry. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from

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